
Let us Draw Near to The Father

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

For Such A Time

Shalom and blessings friends! Today marks the 1 month deadline to complete the new and eagerly anticipated CD “The Beauty of Holiness.” It has been and continues to be such a joy to be part of a work we know YHVH has His hand upon. Debora and I cannot wait to share
these beautiful testimonies of psalms uplifted to Abba, offerings holy and acceptable to YHVH. As we continue in this journey there are struggles and battles. We continue in the fight to shine the love and light of Abba through the songs He continues to give us, but I come to you with an appeal. If the CD’s and songs have blessed you, if you’ve been blessed by the Torah studies uploaded each week, if you’ve been blessed by times of refreshing when we gather together and worship our Savior and King YHVH Yeshua together, would you be willing to sow into B’midbar Ministries with a financial love offering? No amount is too small. We are trusting Abba will make the way and see “The Beauty of Holiness” to its completion, but it may be through some of your sacrifice and willingness to come alongside us that He elects to use you to get this work completed. We need approximately $200 to complete the CD Jackets, and $30 for printable CD-Rs. Any donations above and beyond that will be used to replace the A/C compressor in our car and fuel to make the drive from SC to FL for the upcoming ARI conference. Located on this page close to the top along the right hand side is a paypal donate button. Select the donate button and it will open a window allowing you to make your contribution to help complete this work “The Beauty of Holiness”. Mishpocha from our family to yours, we thank you and praise Abba for the work He is completing through us together! Shalom and Blessings!