
Let us Draw Near to The Father

Saturday, October 12, 2013

We're Moving!

Shalom friends!
Blessings to you wherever you may be and whenever you may be. I simply wanted to let you all know that we are moving! Blogger is a great asset and way to share ideas, but alas it has some limitations that have given cause for us to part amicably. Paypal and Google do not play well together, but I have since discovered another great website/blog service that plays very well with Paypal.

Our new site is at http://willspires.weebly.com and it has a new look and new features. I want to encourage you to visit us at willspires.weebly.com and catch up with all the new exciting things YHVH is doing at Bmidbar Minisitries. This is my last post here at Blogger, at least for now. So come! Join us and catch up with us at http://willspires.weebly.com. Shalom Alecheim!