
Let us Draw Near to The Father

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chanukah Days

            Chag Sameach! Happy Chanukah! And for some, long time no see! Blessings to all who happen across this blog site as it is my hope to share some hope and encouragement along life's journey.This is a return to the blog 'scene' after a 'several month' sabbatical. Life is full of twists and turns and sometimes we are stretched and compressed regardless of willingness or preparation, and so I find myself here, sharing some of the things with you, that matter to me. Allow me to give a heartfelt thank you to those who do come back and visit from time to time. And as time permits, this blog will become a well worn path in the bookmarked section of your browser. Also I look to investigate more ways to exploit the features available here to make you the precious reader more apprised of late breaking developments with our ministry B'midbar Ministries. 

            B'midbar Ministries is a praise and worship/Torah teaching ministry designed to encourage folks who desire to connect with their Hebrew roots, and do so in a practical way that reveals HaShem's heart for us. You are precious in His sight and He has a very real plan mapped out for you. It's simply a matter of pursuing Him--period.  Suffice it to say everything my wife Debora and I do is borne out of a desire to effect real change in our lives. When we talk about things sometimes it is for the sheer wonder of soaking it in like contemplating the stars that float across an ethereal canvas awaking us to eternal things stirring in the deep places of our being. But we also want to be real in the sense that what we share is designed with the intention of equipping every follower of Messiah Yeshua with the knowledge profitable for real change in our heart and mind, as the writer of Proverbs aptly declares "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov.23:7)

             I would like to introduce to you the latest gift Abba's given, 'Chanukah Days'. You can stream or download your own copy at my reverbnation page by clicking here. Aptly titled by my wife Debora because the song chronicles the steps we take throughout the course of our days. Everyday is to be a Chanukah day, perhaps not all exactly the same, but do we not all struggle at different times in our life with burdens that were never intended for us to carry? We come into this world and the Father says Arise, Shine! One of my all-time favorite verses of Scripture is B'resheet 1:3

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

            Which brings us to the introduction of our song. 'First come the waters, darkness and deep, then come the ancient wind and then a voice a speakin' peace'. In the beginning of creation there were dark waters, void and chaotic. Torah tells us that The Spirit of Elohim hovered over the waters. Through The Spirit God spoke to the waters. Those waters were violent, turbulent, bitter and uncomforted. 

"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires." (Isa.54:11)

Then The Spirit spoke to them and they became calm. YHVH said 'Let there be light' and the primeval light obeyed and shone, lighting the waters. Now we celebrate Chanukah, or the 'festival of lights'. Light is so symbolic of many a great thing. Hope, Love, Remembrance, Redemption, just to name a select few, but the light we often hear associated with a lampstand is the Holy Menorah that constantly burned in the Holy place within the tabernacle or Mishkan. That light illuminated everything in the room, sitting opposite the table of shewbread and altar of incense. The table of shewbread is symbolic of the twelve tribes of Israel, the gathering place where we gather and dine from YHVH's provision--The Living Bread who is Yeshua. While located in the center of the room burned the holy altar of incense. Incense is symbolic of prayers. Whose prayers? 

"And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne." (Rev.8:3)

 The light as defined in the testimony of Yeshua in the book of Yochanan tells us that John '...came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.' What we learn is that Yeshua lights every man who comes into the world.

            And so here we are, the world spins around and around. Abba establishes His covenant through Abraham, and soon Jacob has two camps. All along there are mountains and valleys, each one a test to purify and refine. Removing those things ignoble and refining those things fit for The Master's use. He does this with His truth. The truth is Yeshua, the Living Torah and Torah is YHVH's loving instructions. When we obey Torah, walking as Yeshua walked, it breaks chains--strongholds, many which we ourselves have allowed to make us slaves. Slaves like our precious ancestors who slaved away for four hundred years for a hard and cruel taskmaster called Pharaoh. For hundreds of years the Israelite people became intimately acquainted with oppression and despair as symbolized by the brick and mortar that caked their cankered-sore feet in the form of mud, and straw, stubble--stuff that daily suffocated hope for a better life right out of them. So by the time Moses came along many were too blinded by fear or being numb, or perhaps a combination of the two to realize that YHVH had sent them a deliverer. 

            And isn't this what we do? We suffer under the cruel hand of resentment, bitterness, or addiction, and when the solution is presented we often times refuse to reach out because we've become so very accustomed to our current state that we find a measure of comfort in its predictability. 'But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.' (Ro.10:21)

            And yet, the greatest miracle of all is that when The Father had every right to walk away from His covenant responsibility with us, because we had long since gone chasing our other lovers and idols--He made a way to restore us. He made a way to pull us from the depths of insanity and change us from within and without. That's what He does. He removes us out from under the heavy hand of Pharaoh, redeems us and calls us His own, and fills us with His Ruach Ha'Kodesh, that ancient wind that when whispered over the chaotic waves of creation suddenly became tranquil and mastered with peace. And then like Sha'ul said--Redeem the time-- "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Eph.5:14-16) Again, the reference to Yeshua who is and gives us light to redeem the time. How do we redeem time--by walking in obedience to Torah!

            Blessings to you and your family as we walk in this precious time of rededication. Let us fix our heart upon Him and seek Him first and faithfully in all we do today so that we may experience in even greater measure, His beautiful redeeming light. Chanukah Days!
Chanukah Days
First come the waters, darkness and deep
Then come the ancient wind
and then a voice a speakin peace.
Then the, Word of God come forth
Like a breakin every chain
The Light shines in darkness
so that through Him all might believe
Round and Round the dreidel spins upon the table
History retold of how the miracle of
Light in you and me
was sent to Save Fill and Redeem, round and round it goes

Gelt in the pocket and a Gimel on my mind,
Sure walkin towards something, Im leaving prison bars behind
Lived a, long time with burdens that I thought were my own, now His voice is calling, Im kickin off the mud and straw [Chorus]
Li li li li li li....
It takes the faith of God to win a war
when a heart is bound by fear
So raise your arms and feel the wind blow
because His love will persevere
Hes sees ya weepin and the
tears fall from your eyes
Today He says be still and believe in
Yeshuat Adonai [Chorus]
Dreidel, dreidel, Dreidel, dreidel

Words and Music by Will Spires copyright 2012, B'midbar Ministries.

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